UBC Library Employee Directory
Name | Phone | Position | |
Paula Farrar | (604) 822-4474 | paula.farrar@ubc.ca | Architecture & Planning Librarian |
Keenan Federico | (604) 824-2393 | keenan.federico@ubc.ca | Technology Support Analyst l |
Richard Fedje | (604) 827-3757 | richard.fedje@ubc.ca | Assistant Supervisor Stacks Maintenance / Rebinds and Circulation Assistant |
Erin Fields | (604) 822-0977 | erin.fields@ubc.ca | Open Education and Scholarly Communications Librarian |
Connie Flook | (604) 822-9392 | connie.flook@sauder.ubc.ca | Student Services Coordinator, Canaccord Learning Commons |
Emily Fornwald | (604) 827-2158 | emily.fornwald@ubc.ca | Education Librarian |
Patricia Foster | (604) 822-5585 | patricia.foster@ubc.ca | Senior Circulation & Reserve Assistant |
Elaine Fung | (604) 822-3756 | elaine.fung@ubc.ca | Senior Director of Library Development & Alumni Engagement |
Kyle Gailling | (604) 822-6791 | kyle.gailling@ubc.ca | Technology Support Analyst |
Sam Gannaway | (604) 827-6637 | sam.gannaway@ubc.ca | Rights & Permissions Assistant |
Sloan Garrett | (604) 822-4698 | sloan.garrett@ubc.ca | Library Administrative Assistant |
Kelly Gauvin | (604) 827-3923 | kelly.gauvin@ubc.ca | Digital Repository Specialist |
Ellen George | (604) 822-5233 | ellen.george@ubc.ca | Collections Services Librarian |
Aubrey Geyer | (604) 827-0578 | aubrey.geyer@ubc.ca | Reference Librarian |
Saman Gharib | (604) 827-5363 | saman.gharib@ubc.ca | Circulation Assistant (Course Reserves) |
Prubjot Gill | (604) 822-4970 | prubjot.gill@ubc.ca | Reference Librarian |
Dean Giustini (on leave) | (604) 875-4111 x 62392 | dean.giustini@ubc.ca | Reference Librarian |
Maria Gomes | (604) 822-1408 | maria.gomes@ubc.ca | Music Reference and Collections Assistant |
Hiller Goodspeed | (604) 827-3432 | hiller.goodspeed@ubc.ca | Circulation, Copying and Shelving Assistant |
Mark Goodwin | (604) 827-1666 | mark.goodwin@ubc.ca | User Experience & Digital Accessibility Librarian |
Page 4 of 14, showing 20 records out of 270 total, starting on record 61, ending on 80
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